Privacy statement
Moro beats is committed to protect your privacy online. We will not share, sell or rent your personal information with other parties unless we required by laws or we the permission from you.
Cookies and web beacons
We don’t use cookies to store information of our visitors, record user specific information on which pages the user visit but if you wish to disable your cookies you may do so through your individual browsers options.
Moro Beats can modify the privacy which will become effective soon upon posting on the website. Your continued use of the website and any other service from us means your acceptance of the privacy policy.
Privacy statement
Moro beats is committed to protect your privacy online. We will not share, sell or rent your personal information with other parties unless we required by laws or we the permission from you.
Cookies and web beacons
We don’t use cookies to store information of our visitors, record user specific information on which pages the user visit but if you wish to disable your cookies you may do so through your individual browsers options.
Moro Beats can modify the privacy which will become effective soon upon posting on the website. Your continued use of the website and any other service from us means your acceptance of the privacy policy.
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